Current edition:
Vol.3, No. 8,

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Tech Support Tip Of the Month
Flagg's Worlds To Watch
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AW Tech Support Tip Of The Month

"Area full!?!? What do ya mean area full!?!? I'm not done building yet!!"

Don't you hate it when the building inspector tells you that you cannot not add anymore objects to your skyscraper project?

The restriction you have run into here is the cell data limit. Each 10x10 meter column of space (one cell) cannot contain more than a certain amount of data. If you build multiple layers on top of each other, they will share 10x10 columns and you will be much more likely to bump into the data limit. You can lower the amount of data by removing any extra text in the object fields. If you have access to the world settings you can change the "Cell Data Limit".

The settings are as follows.

  • Normal 1500 bytes or about 45 objects.
  • Large 2500 bytes or about 75 objects
  • Huge 4000 bytes or about 120 objects

Remember: the higher the cell data limit the more objects can be added to a cell and this may cause slower performance for users in the world. If you allow public building in your world you may want to stay at the "Normal" setting.



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