Current edition: Vol.6, No.6, June 2003

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DAAP hosts Intersculpt 2003, and the 3rd Digital Sculpture Competition

Courtesy of Derrick W.

DAAP, one of the earliest worlds, will be hosting a virtual installation of the sculptures included in Intersculpt 2003, the 5th international biennial of digitally designed and computer generated sculpture, and the sculpture submitted for the 3rd Digital Sculpture Competition, to be held concurrently with the show.

DAAP was begun in 1996 by Derrick Woodham, then a sculptor and teacher at the University of Cincinnati, to display his sculpture and show the work of his students in digital media. The galleries and surrounding sculptures to the South of Ground Zero show their work.

Intersculpt is an International collaboration of sculptors organizations including Ars Mathematica in France, The Computer and Sculpture Forum in the US, and FasT UK in Britain. The Biennial exhibition series began in 1995, and has always featured a group of electronically linked simultaneous exhibitions in participating galleries around the world. Last year exhibitions were held in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Britain, The US, and France. Many of the venues are supported by educational institutions, and both professionals and students of sculpture are encouraged to participate. We would like to encourage Active Worlds model makers to submit their original models for inclusion in the exhibition. For more information on the exhibition, visit the Intersculpt website at

This will be the fourth time a virtual Intersculpt exhibit will be held in DAAP. the previous DAAP exhibitions are still installed, and can still be visited. background material on the artists has been linked to their sculpture whenever available.

DAAP is supported by Activeworlds and served by CERHAS at the University of Cincinnati.


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