Current edition: Vol.6, No.6, June 2003

Active Worlds News

World of the Month
Worlds to Watch
Bot of the Month
Report Cards
AWCamp 2003
AWTrivia is Back!
AWFestival 2003
Cy Awards Calendar
AW Building Contest
AWUniversity News
Volunteer Highlight
Bit's Who's Who
Hot Spots to Visit
Intersculpt 2003
Reunion 2003
AWEC Calendar


Building Links
Community Links










Get to Know Your Neighbors!

We think it would be great if everyone got a chance to get to know some of the volunteers in the community and to find out why they love AW so much.

This month we meet Lazysuzy o who was recently recognized as GK of the Month and Poseidon who is the Vice Care-Taker of AWTeen.

Courtesy of LazySuzy o

How did you first hear of AW?
From juno server that i use for my e-mail address, instant message

How long have you been a citizen?
For about two and half year and i was a tourist for about year so all together i been in activeworlds for about three and half years

What made you want to become a GK?
Seeing my friends helping one to other and i like to help others too when needed even before i became a gk and my friends encourage me to become one

What do you enjoy most about being a GK?
Helping and guide them where they need to go. I like being there with my friends new and old ones. *smiles*

Anything about yourself personally which you would like to include.
As most of you know that i love my cats. I am hard of hearing and i know sign language to communicate with other deaf friends. I was deaf in one ear and partial hearing in other when i was born because my mom had german measles while she was pregnant with me cause the nerve damage in my ears. I can still hear well and do pretty good on the phone for now anyway *smiles*.. who know what the future will hold for me as far as the hearing goes.

Courtesy of Allen Iverson

Poseidon, The Vice Care-Taker of AWTeen, has done a lot for AWTeen in his time here. This month he has not only, fulfilled his Vice CT duties, but also put together a Guide Team consisting of five members. Also, is responsible for helping clean up a large amount of vandalism. Poseidon also is partway responsible for, putting together the new revised committee system in AWTeen. Along with all his various AWTeen work he also manages to help run AWRPG, an AWI owned world. I'm sure there is much more we could recognize about him, but this is just a few of the things we acknowledged. He manages to do both, and still get everything done; he is consistent in his work, and can always be counted on to get the work done, whenever asked to do anything, even if he isn’t asked to do it.

Our thanks go out to you, for everything you have done, and continue to do. Thank you.


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