Recommended Hot Spots
This is where you can get tips on places to visit from the "insiders". These correspondents are leaders in their worlds who take the time to seek out new, exciting and different places to visit in their worlds. Don't miss a single destination on this list if you want to know what's cool in the AW Universe!
Goober King
UTN Web Site
Goober King's UTN Recommendation
Toronto - AW 9898n 8787w
Want to visit Toronto with out any of those pesky diseases? Then the AW
version is just for you! Be sure to check out such Toronto landmarks as
the CN Tower and Lakeside Bar. You can also sample some of Toronto's
unique townhouses, now available for "rent". Check out the *other*
Toronto today!
AWHS Web Site
OneSummer's Historical Recommendation
Great Lake, New Sweden , Jamtland AW 2071S 2028E
This site was started in 1997. It houses an old town with restaurant, hotel, waterways, paths and roads with cars.
A NAC build = Not A Citizen it deserve to be visited. Old textures were used and the builder very talented. I am sure you will want to wonder around for hours.
Reporting for AWHS OneSummer
Light Form
Yellow World Page
Light Form's Yellow Recommendation
Smeggos Township - Yellow 174S 162W
Hey, once you get around the horribly masked trees, you can see some great classic Yellow build. Even a car made from scratch! Tell me thats easy. Check it out and enjoy.
Poseidon & Chanty
AWTeen's Web Site
AWTeen's Recommendation
Ptomey's Giant Computer by Ptomey
AWTeen 1749.78N 1801.52E 4a 180
Courtesy of SWE
This month, check out Ptomey's PC! What is it you ask? Simply put, come walk around the inside of a computer! Its got an Amd 1.4 megahertz Athlon processor, a gegabyte of ram, an Ati redoen 8500 video card, a fan and comes complete with a bowl of cereal! Not only that, but the buttons actually work, and you can turn on the pc(well, it will actually just make funny noises)! If you've ever wanted to experience walking inside your computer, or even find out what the inside of it looks like without pulling it apart, come on over to AWTeen 1749.78N 1801.52E 4a 180.
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