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Meet Class 3 this month.

Kiwi interviews Daimon

Hiya Class :-)

Kiwi: Thanks so much for agreeing to talk to us.

Class 3: No problem :)

Kiwi: Can I ask where you're from?

Class 3: I live in Maine - but not all my life or full time!

Kiwi: How did you find Active Worlds?

Class 3: I was given the link by a friend on ICQ in early 1998, actually downloaded the software in Sept of 1998 with another friend, Energiser - she later became a Teacher in AWSchool - I miss her!

Kiwi: How long have you been a citizen?

Class 3: The day I downloaded the software I bought a citizenship - Sept 8, 1998!

Kiwi: Wow long time!

Kiwi: Was Active Worlds your first virtual world experience?

Class 3: Yes ma'm.

Kiwi: What was your first impression of Active Worlds back then?

Class 3: I was 'blown away' hahaa

Kiwi: Can you tell us a little about what keeps you coming back to AW?

Class 3: *chuckle* There is no parole from Active Worlds, just furloughs :)

Kiwi: lol

Kiwi: You are caretaker for the world AWMix07. Can you tell us a little about that world?

Class 3: AWMix07 is a work in progress and adored by many :) I love it there! We do catered personalized parties for anyone who asks, the team puts a lot of effort into what we do!

Kiwi: Can I just add here, I love PKToons Radio. I know a lot of work goes into keeping everyone happy with music choices. PKToons does that well. Great music and great DJs.

Class 3: We stand by our motto of "Where the music matters and family counts" - being #2 we try harder and depend on naps for longevity hahaaa

Kiwi: How hard is it to own and run a radio station and keep the people listening in AW?

Class 3: Having dedicated people has been paramount. The concept behind PKToons was developed on AlphaWorld GZ by Veger and I during a time of turmoil. Both he and I needed some direction - it has been a good fit for both of us. Most decisions are made after Veger and I hash things over! We play music that fits the individual as well as a group of listeners. Without listener support we would be nonexistent. Also, PKToons will play anywhere, at any function, in Active Worlds. See

Kiwi: For anyone out there that would like to tune in to PKToons they have a web page with radio links as well as upcoming events.

Kiwi: Apart from AWMix07 is there another world that you enjoy exploring?

Class 3: Yes, there are quite a few that I will frequent when I desire solitude hahaaa

Kiwi: Assume Active Worlds employed you tomorrow and wanted you to bring in more people. What would be the first thing you would do?

Class 3: ummmmm -- I will avoid this question by saying 'not a thing' hahaa :o)

Kiwi: lol.

Kiwi: You must have seen a lot of changes since you have been here. What is the one thing that stands out for you that's really improved AW in your time here?

Class 3: *chuckles* the thing that stands out to me was an early upgrade that allowed your name not to be seen when you typed and where behind an object -- hide and seek started ! hahaaa - AWI continues to improve its software and I, for one, appreciate all of it.

Kiwi: Are you into the technical side of AW?

Class 3: well , of course.. are there some that are not? 0_o

Kiwi: lol yes.

Kiwi: What is your favourite thing to do in AW?

Class 3: Two things :) helping others and then building - when I get a chance.

Kiwi: What do you enjoy doing in real life?

Class 3: Being with my RL family and friends, I am an avid flyfishing man and love camping up in the mountains of Maine.

Kiwi: If I asked you to describe yourself to me, what would you say?

Class 3: A sophisticated international nut! O.O

Kiwi: Hahahha

Kiwi: Thank you for all you do in Active Worlds to make it fun for us all. Always nice to catch up with you Class :) Have an awesome day.

Class 3: lol , thanks much Kiwi -- catch ya in AW ;)

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