The Cy's Were A Glittering SuccessCourtesy of AlphaBit Phalpha Dear Activeworlds Community, Yet another record was set last Saturday for the Cy Awards........officially 236 attending!!!!....Woooo hooooo! Thank you very much for the great attendance record!:) All of the excitement in the air!...All the fun times watching each of you as you picked out your formal wear for the evening:) And when each person was presented thier award by our Honored Presenters....you could feel the emotions at an all time high! Awwwww...TechnoZeus...Our Special Honored Guest Speaker...thank you ever so much for coming and sharing all your wonderful thoughts with us:) If this isn't an example of how real activeworlds is to irl life...I dont know what is:) The winner of the Cy2000 logo "was" a dear "tourist" .....adprtt!!!!!!!! Thank you AW Community!...thank you Honored Presenters!...thank you Official Greeters!...thank you Cy Comittee! Definately can't go without thanking AWCom, Inc....for thier gracious contributions that make our Cy Awards possible:) Congratulations also to all the Nominees....excellent nominations in all categories! And now.....the winners of the April 29th 2000 Cy Awards!!!!! April 29th, 2000 Cy Recipients Best Virtual Art Project Award
Best Environmental Design Award Public Building Worlds
Best Environmental Design in Greater Universe Worlds
Best Activities/Events Award
Best Community or Town Award
Best Activeworlds Website Award
Best Avatar Creation Award
Most Innovative Design Award
Technical Innovation Award
Best Object/Texture Award
The Spirit of Cy Volunteer Award
The Spirit of Cy Volunteer Award
Write In
The Spirit of Cy Lifetime Achievement Award
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