We Want YOU! :)Do you have a desire to make a difference in the Active Worlds Community? You might be just the person we are looking for! The Active Worlds Universe has a unique and global community which prides itself in it's great community spirit. Check out, or better yet, become involved with any one of our leading community organizations. Get an overview of some of the organizations we have available at org.activeworlds.com. AWEC - Active Worlds Event CommitteeHave a desire to coordinate community events or help keep track of, and promote other AW community events? Then AWEC is the place for you. AWEC is currently looking for committed community members who have a passion for a thriving AW community. If you have gifts in webpage design, event planning, public relations, etc and want to make a difference in the virtual community around you, contact us at awec@org.activeworlds.com. AWHS - Active Worlds Historical SocietyInterested in preserving, maintaining and promoting our rich Active Worlds heritage? If you have a passion for the AW history, gifts in webpage design, building, or a commitment to historical builds preservation, then contact the AWHS at awhs@org.activeworlds.com. Make a difference in your community! :)
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