Current edition: Vol.5, No.6, June 2002

Active Worlds News

3.3 Release
3D Homepage Theme
Bot of the Month
Worlds to Watch
Developers Tip
Special Thanks
Building Contest
Community Activities
AWTeen Activities
Festival 2002
Cy Awards
Volunteer Highlight
Seattle Reunion
Hot Spots to Visit
AWEC Calendar


Building Links
Community Links










Get to Know Your Neighbors!

We think it would be great if everyone got a chance to get to know some of the volunteers in the community, and to find out why they love AW so much.

This month we highlight Meranna, who the Gate Keeper organization recognized as Gate Keeper of the Month just recently.

Courtesy of Meranna

Looking for a "world" based upon the book, "Wheel of Time", of a fantasy series by Robert Jordan, is how I began my way to find AW. At the member fan site for this book, screen shots of this world were shown & my thoughts were wow….how neat! The site was especially alluring with its mention of needing builders. I didn’t know what "building" meant, but I had free time and wanted to see what was up with this "world".

A true newbie, I found myself a tourist at the Gate. "How much friendlier this is than Yahoo," I told myself. This was the place I wanted to stay…it impressed me with the help and friendliness shown to users. I felt welcomed and truly amazed that there were so many countries represented at the Gate….it’s a virtual international hub. It only took five minutes to convince me to click the "Register Now" button.

The Gatekeepers caught my eye and even more impressive to me was that they were volunteers. I applied to become a GK, because I wanted to be a part of a group which helps others. What I like about Gatekeeping is that we create a virtual welcome/information center. I feel that is our #1 responsibility….hospitality. Now, as an Assistant Team Leader in Gatekeepers, I am able to work within a team environment, helping my Team Leader to make all its members feel special and a part of a team. I'm very fortunate to have a Team Leader who makes Gatekeeping a wonderful experience and views "hospitality" as our focus.

As you might guess from my reason for finding AW….I love to read. I’m not picky on subject, but my all time favorite is fantasy….good guy vs. bad guy with a touch of magic. :) The rest of my life is involved around family. I baby-sit my nieces and nephews "A LOT" and weekends are spent with my Mom. I also spend a HUGE amount of time building in AW. I find it a good release for stress...and just plain fun! :)


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