Current edition: Vol.6, No.4, April 2003

Active Worlds News

3D Homepage Theme
World of the Month
Worlds to Watch
Tech Support Tip
Bot of the Month
Artist's Tip
Easter Egg Hunt
Spring Festival
Volunteer Highlight
Bit's Who's Who
Hot Spots to Visit
Game Hosts
Reunion 2003
AWEC Calendar


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AWRPG Spring Festival

Courtesy of Poseidon

This April, AWRPG will be host to the Draedan Spring Festival! We in AWRPG will be celebrating the coming of spring in our land of fantasy, and we would like to invite YOU to come out and join us. The events begin April 26th, at 4pm VRT, and should last for a good portion of the day (more details on exact event times will be listed on our main site: We will have many games for visitors to play, new quests to reveal, added features of the world to show off, and great fun to be had! Prizes will be available to those who attend the days events. If you've ever been curious what a Spring Festival would be like in a fantasy world, be sure to attend, as we will be going "full out" to make the day a spectacular experience.

Projected Events of the day:

  • Two news quests with rewards to be revealed and opened.
  • Unique events from each of the four main cities in world (Arena Battle matches, archery tournaments.. much more!).
  • Other random Games that have prizes as rewards!

Come out and join us on April 26th for Games, Quests, Prizes, and much fun - we look forward to seeing you in our world!

Please bring any questions regarding the Spring Festival to Poseidon.

Thanks - Hope to see you there!


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