Storage World's 6th Annual Easter Egg HuntCourtesy of Andras This is our 6th Annual Easter Egg Hunt in Storage World. The hunt will run from 2PM VRT, Sunday, April 20th, 2003 until 2AM VRT, Tuesday, April 22nd, 2003. (Sorry folks - but I'll be in the air on Saturday night flying back from the US to Hungary). The hunt is open for tourists (please try to keep your login name!) and citizens too. This event should be the greatest since AW exists!! We have excellent prizes, a great world to hunt in, superior helpers, proven tools to conduct the hunt and not to mention the excellent hunters who already participate in our previous hunts! EggHider is busy hiding the eggs and he is up to 100,000 (yes! One hundred thousand!) eggs at this moment and he still have some time left Please visit us during the hunt and spread the word. Complete information at: https://andras.net/egghunt2003.html
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