2000 ReunionCourtesy of Serendipitous The Reunion 2000 - Orlando Florida USA
Details are coming together for The Reunion 2000 event in Orlando Florida. The hotel has been booked, the registration form and fee information is online and the agenda is being put together. For details please see https://www.thereunion.net. Reunion world is open and you are welcome to come in and visit. So, far we have people interested in attending from Australia, Canada, Denmark, Norway, UK, and about 12 different states in the USA. 47 people have registered as interested and 4 have firmly registered, but we're hoping for those numbers to increase soon. The Reunion 2000 - Orlando event is being organized by Belfalest, Daphne & Serendipitous, if you have any questions please feel free to contact any of them, their email addresses can be found on the website. If you are interested in attending but can't commit yet, please register your name at https://www.thereunion.net/info.html. If you are committed to attend please register at https://www.thereunion.net/regform.html. Take a look at the Reunion pictures linked at the bottom of the main page at https://www.thereunion.net to get an idea of what types of things avatars do while getting together in real life. See you in Florida.
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