Vol.3, No.3, March 2000

Active Worlds News

AW 3.0 Beta News
AW T-shirts
Bot-of-the-Month Club
Tech Support Tip Of the Month
Flagg's Worlds To Watch
Report Card Winners!

Community News

Hot Spots to Visit!
AWEC Calendar
2000 Reunion
Building Tips & Tricks Bug Out In Italy
Get To Know Your Neighbors!


Building Links
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Report Cards Are In!

We believe that working hard in school is just as important as playing hard in Active Worlds, and we'd like to encourage all of our school-age users to focus their attention on their school work, broaden their knowledge, apply themselves and get the most out of school. To show our support for exceptionally hard work, we offer worlds to participants who achieve the best grades each term, and to those who show the greatest improvement each school year.

Qualifying Students will are awarded

  • A 6 Month PS8XE World (no citizenships included) for both the Best Overall Academic Standing and Most Improved Academic Standing categories
  • A 6 Month PS16XE World (no citizenships) for the Excellence category
    All renewals of worlds will be subject to maintenance of academic standing or continued improvement.

Congratulate this term's winners!

    American Police (who won last year, and has kept his grades up and qualifies for a 6 month renewal!)



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