Current edition:
Vol.4, No. 1, Jan. 2001

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Tips and Tricks

Courtesy of kellee and the crew @ AWSchool

What do those crazy numbers in the Animate Me command mean?

Below is the numbers you will see in an animate me command such as *create animate me zitu. 1 1 0* or *create animate me stone 4 4 300 4 3 2 1 *

    #1 = number of images in animation
    #2 = total number of frames involved
    #3 = frame rate delay in milliseconds/frame
    #4 = (optional) frame sequence

In the first one ( zitu.) notice the dot? that is the difference between a zip and a jpg and the inclusion of the dot is very important.

Also notice the three numbers 1 1 0 that is = (1)one image shown over (1)one frame and (0)no delay.

In the second example above (stone) the numbers tell the programme to look for the first four images on the server called stone ( that is stone1. stone2. stone3. stone4.) the SECOND number tells the programme to display all four ( over the four frames) the THIRD tells it to show them with a 300 millisecond delay and THEN the fourth series of numbers ( 4 3 2 1 ) tells the programme what ORDER to show them,in this case the fourth one first. ( By default and with no fourth series of numbers included it will follow the sequential pattern of 1 2 3 4.)

Try for a list of textures or aw 1379.7N 1853.6W 0.0a 110 a display of the textures

There is a more complete explanation of Animate me's at AWUniv 80.1S 63.7E 0.0a 140

kellee is an active member of the AWSchool and AWUniv team, and has a great texture yard at AW 1379.7N 1853.6W 0.0a 110. To find out more about building - from basic to advanced visit these worlds:




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