Cy Awards 2001Courtesy of AlphaBit Phalpha Dear Activeworlds Community, We would like to announce that the next Ceremony will be held sometime this summer:) Time to get busy building and creating again!:) It was planned for this fall, but plans are moving it earlier in the year. Nominations should be opening sometime in the beginning of April. And Voting will then commence a few weeks after that. If you are interested in volunteering as a Greeter or Presenter, please send an email with your interest to cyawards@org.activeworlds.com We are also always looking for folks that would like to volunteer on The Cy Awards Committee:) Please visit The Cy Awards official home page at org.activeworlds.com/cyawards for a list of Past Recipients. Thank you again for all your terrific participation and support of your Cy Awards:) Sincerely,
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