Current edition:
Vol.4, No. 1, Jan. 2001

Active Worlds News

Bot-of-the-Month Club
Tech Support Tip Of the Month
Flagg's Worlds To Watch

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AWEC Calendar
AWUniv's Monthly Contest
AW Reunion 2001
Cy Awards 2001
AWCOMREG Community Articles
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AW Tech Support Tip Of The Month

Encroachment? What in the universe is the Building Inspector talking about now?

Ever get the message that you're not allowed to encroach on another's property, and wonder just what that means? Well, encroachment occurs when a user tries to place an object in such a manner that it overlaps with another object built by a different user. With a properly configured registry, the Active World Server can make sure that every object built in a world does not encroach on anyone else's property. This is an important aspect of maintaining control and ownership of property in a world that is open for public building.

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