Poseidon & Chanty
AWTeen's Web Site
AWTeen's Recommendation
The Blue Water Bridge
AWTeen 1181.39N 1656.05E 0.1a 236
Courtesy of JerMe
The Blue Water Bridge is just one of several expertly designed bridges built by pcnate. If you have a love for good architecture then this build will surly interest you. It is very elegant and makes use of every-day objects in uncommon ways. You can also find this bridge featured in AWTeen.com’s "places to see" section: In pcnate’s own words:
"Blue Water Bridge models a modern tied arch bridge that was built in Port Huron, MI. BWB is part of the Interway Expressway System, a network of highly detailed roadway designed to unite AWTeen. The Interway System includes many bridges, overpasses, and interchanges. Information can be found at 0N 940W."