Current edition: Vol.6, No.9, September 2003

Active Worlds News

New 3D Homepage Themes
World of the Month
Worlds to Watch
Report Card Award
Bot of the Month
Artist's Tip
AWTrivia Winners
AWUniversity News
Property Search
England Celebration
Hot Spots to Visit
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Recommended Hot Spots

This is where you can get tips on places to visit from the "insiders". These correspondents are leaders in their worlds who take the time to seek out new, exciting and different places to visit in their worlds. Don't miss a single destination on this list if you want to know what's cool in the AW Universe!

AWHS Web Site

OneSummer's Historical Recommendation

Volcano Island AW 8160S 8219E

This area has a caribbean feel, also sounds that accentuates the jungle terraces surrounding a volcano and ocean. You feel like your in Jamaica or on a tropic island. I could picture myself walking on the beach or tanning while the mist from the ocean filtered down against me. The enhancement of this build is a NAC {Not A Citizen}. This site was started in 1996. I am sure the builder had visitors in mind when building this area it's very lovely. If your ready for vacation try this site you won't be disappointed.
Reporting for AWHS OneSummer


Poseidon & Chanty
AWTeen's Web Site

AWTeen's Recommendation

The Blue Water Bridge
AWTeen 1181.39N 1656.05E 0.1a 236

Courtesy of JerMe

The Blue Water Bridge is just one of several expertly designed bridges built by pcnate. If you have a love for good architecture then this build will surly interest you. It is very elegant and makes use of every-day objects in uncommon ways. You can also find this bridge featured in’s "places to see" section: In pcnate’s own words:

"Blue Water Bridge models a modern tied arch bridge that was built in Port Huron, MI. BWB is part of the Interway Expressway System, a network of highly detailed roadway designed to unite AWTeen. The Interway System includes many bridges, overpasses, and interchanges. Information can be found at 0N 940W."


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