Current edition: Vol.5, No.4, April 2002

Active Worlds News

New Megapath
Special Thanks
Bot of the Month
Worlds to Watch
Tech Support Tip
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Cy Awards
Seattle Reunion
Groucho Marx


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New Megapath Available

We have created a new object path entitled "Megapath". It is a compilation of all the AlphaWorld objects and the 3D Homepage objects onto one path. This will enable world owners and 3D Homepage owners to vary the objects they may want to build with, without having to set up their own object path. The address for this path is and the way it works is as follows:

  • All names for AlphaWorld models are the same as before.
  • All names for 3D Homepage models are the same as before, and where they have the same name as an AlphaWorld model, they will overwrite the AlphaWorld model and texture.
  • Many 3D Homepage objects have the same names for models in each theme, yet look different. In order to make them all available on the same object path, all 3D Homepage models (in addition to their original names), also have the name of the model preceded with a 2 letter suffix to identify the theme it came from. So for example the suffix for the Roman theme is "RM-" so a "wall1.rwx" in the roman would be "rm-wall1.rwx" to get the original Roman wall.

The prefix list is as follows:

Alphaworld: original names
Roman: RM-
SciFi: SF-
Egypt: EG-
Contemporary: CT-
Fantasy Stone: FS-
Fantasy White: FW-
Western Wood: WW-
Western Stucco: WS-
Atlantis: AT-
Business: BS-
Gallery: GA-

This path is available to any world owner or 3D Homepage owner.

Happy building! :-)


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