Current edition: Vol.7, No.2, February 2004

Active Worlds News

3.5 Sneak Peek
World of the Month
Happy Anniversary!
Worlds to Watch
Glance at AW History
AWTrivia Update
AWUniversity News
Cy Awards Update
AWNewbie News
Meet Your Neighbor
CitBingo Announces
AWRadio on Air
Hot Spots to Visit
AWEC Calendar


Building Links
Community Links










Recommended Hot Spots

This is where you can get tips on places to visit from the "insiders". These correspondents are leaders in their worlds who take the time to seek out new, exciting and different places to visit in their worlds. Don't miss a single destination on this list if you want to know what's cool in the AW Universe!

AWHS Web Site

OneSummer's Historical Recommendation

Ice Palace AW 34S 7131W

Let it snow, let it snow! February is a cold and icy month and landing here be careful. Ice Place made by Cyberwitch in 1998. This is a fun maze to go through if you don't slide on all the ice. When you've finish going through the maze head up to the ski slop area. Ride the chair lift and ski down the mountain you can then warm up in the Silver Snow Lodge or walk across to the Eagle Point Restraint for some nice hot chocolate. Since January we start anew I wanted to also include a newer build with an older one aw 998S 5188E. Ride down a mountain stream and enter fantasy area. This build was made in 2000. Both builds shares in the fun and entertainment for the months of January/February. You will so happy that you took time to visit them.

Reporting for AWHS


Poseidon & Chanty
AWTeen's Web Site

AWTeen's Recommendation

Aztec Adventure
AWTeen 400n 400w .01a

Courtesy of JerMe

With the new year everyone is looking forward to what 2004 will hold. Instead, I’m looking back on years long passed in AWTeen. That’s why this month’s recommendation comes from one of the classics.

The Aztec Adventure was build by TheCheese around October 1998. Without using any of the newer move/rotate commands, he built a huge puzzle. Themed around the Aztec people and the gold they possessed, this puzzle is sure to keep you busy for at least an hour or more. Have fun exploring the endless array of tunnels and passages while you try to solve the puzzle.


AWGuides's Web Site

Tours World Spotlight

Honk Honk Tour

Courtesy of Cablecar Gal AW Guide

Our featured tour of the month for February is a fun tour we call the Honk Honk Tour. If you like ducks you will love this tour. See if you can find who is roasting over an open fire, floating in space, has caught a cold and has the measles. We know all AW new comers will enjoy this tour as much as we enjoy conducting it. Honk Honk was created by Zodina and is located at AW coordinates 541S, 2195W.

AW Guides are also available at various times in Tours and at AW Ground Zero to answer questions and help Tourists and new citizens with all aspects of Activeworlds.

If you have the spare time, are interested in becoming an AW Guide and you’re 18 or older an AW Guide application can be found at If you would like to contact us, please do, we like to hear from you. Please write to us at


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