Tours World Spotlight
Honk Honk Tour
Courtesy of Cablecar Gal AW Guide
Our featured tour of the month for February is a fun tour we call the Honk Honk Tour. If you like ducks you will love this tour. See if you can find who is roasting over an open fire, floating in space, has caught a cold and has the measles. We know all AW new comers will enjoy this tour as much as we enjoy conducting it. Honk Honk was created by Zodina and is located at AW coordinates 541S, 2195W.
AW Guides are also available at various times in Tours and at AW Ground Zero to answer questions and help Tourists and new citizens with all aspects of Activeworlds.
If you have the spare time, are interested in becoming an AW Guide and you’re 18 or older an AW Guide application can be found at If you would like to contact us, please do, we like to hear from you. Please write to us at