Current edition: Vol.7, No.2, February 2004

Active Worlds News

3.5 Sneak Peek
World of the Month
Happy Anniversary!
Worlds to Watch
Glance at AW History
AWTrivia Update
AWUniversity News
Cy Awards Update
AWNewbie News
Meet Your Neighbor
CitBingo Announces
AWRadio on Air
Hot Spots to Visit
AWEC Calendar


Building Links
Community Links










What's New in 3.5

Check out some of the cool new features that can be found in version 3.5, now in open beta testing! Here's just a glimpse of what's to come:

  • Invite Feature - Users may now invite others to join them at their current location. This works much like a join, except that the other user will teleport to your location, instead of you teleporting to theirs.

  • Emote Command - Enter /me followed by an action to have that shown in the chat window. For example, if your username is "Bob" and you enter "/me waves goodbye", then the chat window will display "Bob waves goodbye".

  • Floating Tabs - The tabs window is now a floating window. It can still be hidden/shown using F9, and can be "rolled up" by double-clicking the title bar.

  • CPU Consumption Adjusted - The CPU throttle has been adjusted for more robust scaling. In previous versions, the browser would consume 99% of CPU time on fast machines (particularly ones with high-end graphics cards). The overall effect is that the browser should use far less resources for only slightly diminished frame rate.

  • Avatar Storage - The current avatar is now stored by object path, not world. This means that you will always use the same avatar for all worlds that share the same path.

  • Terrain Elevation Offset - This new world option will move the global terrain up or down by the value given, in meters. Note that this is not designed to be used on-the-fly, and changes to this value will not take affect until a terrain update is forced (by moving around).

  • Show Water Under Terrain - This new world option will disable the use of "transparent edges" that would appear on shallow water, and instead cause the world water to be rendered at a uniform opacity, even underground.

  • Configurable Toolbar - The old toolbar has been replaced with a new, configurable toolbar. While this is intended for other universes that require custom interfaces, the ability is available to all users. The toolbar is defined in the toolbar.cfg in the /default directory (under your Activeworlds directory). The image used for the toolbar is selectable under options -> settings -> advanced.


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