Current edition: Vol.7, No.2, February 2004

Active Worlds News

3.5 Sneak Peek
World of the Month
Happy Anniversary!
Worlds to Watch
Glance at AW History
AWTrivia Update
AWUniversity News
Cy Awards Update
AWNewbie News
Meet Your Neighbor
CitBingo Announces
AWRadio on Air
Hot Spots to Visit
AWEC Calendar


Building Links
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What's New in CitBingo?

Courtesy of the CitBingo Team

Citbingo has 2 new caretakers. Please welcome NaughtyRedHead o and Myssie. We are sure they will do a wonderful job.

Do you like to play Bingo? Come join us in Citbingo on Friday nights at 5pm vrt. Prizes are all donated by members of the community, and include objects, avatars graphics and even a cit extension. Are you a modeler who would like to get your name out there and receive free advertising? If you would like to donate anything as a prize please contact NaughtyRedHead o or Myssie or email us at If you would like to be a host you can fill out the application at

We have a special Valentines Bingo set for Friday February 13th at 5pm vrt, with some special prizes donated by AWI and objects donated by the community. Come join in on the fun!!

We are looking for a new citbingo logo. So we decided to have a competition, with a prize of a one month cit extension. Requirements are the jpeg should not be any larger then 256x256 pixels, it must have the name Citbingo on it, and it must be an original. Think you have what it takes? Zip up your entry and send it on in by Feb 25th to We will be displaying all entries in citbingo and have a community vote on Feb 27th. Good Luck and have fun!!


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