Current edition: Vol.4, No.9, September 2001

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A3SteveB Build Contest

Courtesy of iowa2001

Starting September 1st, A3SteveB is Officially Starting a Build Contest for a Prize of a Citizenship or to Judge in Next Months Contest! This is a Citizen Only Build Contest.

You will have a choice of three Topics:Back to school, Favorite Food, or Favorite College Team/Conference. A person can do more then one topic at a time (Not Recommended), But if its done tasteful and respectful to each other topic, it can be very good for your overall Score.

Scoring of a Build:
10 points Good Overall Presentation to the Topic(s)
10 points Complete
10 points Good Overall Structure/Symmetry
10 points No overlaps/z-buffering
10 points Good use of Color/Textures
10 points Attention of Details
10 points Skilled Use of Commands
70 Total Points Possible

It goes on a 1-10 Scale 10 being the best. Five Judge's will go by this scale and if you get like say 8, 9, 8, 6, 7, I would add them up and Divide by 5 and your score for you would be 7.6. Person with Most amount of points wins and has a choice of 2 prizes. Runner-up Receives other Prize. Please Do not do off-Topic additions, it could count against you!

Rules of this Contest are:
No Copying Ideas, Only AW Objects, No Objects outside 3x3 space given, and No signs, pictures or textures that would cause for the world to go beyond its PG Rating. Breaking any of these rules can result in an Automatic ejection from the Contest. Also no saying any rude comments to any person who may be in the world. No bots allowed.

To Sign up, Please e-mail iowa2001 at with 'Build Contest' in Subject Line of your E-mail or Telegram iowa2001 Saying I want to be in Build Contest and with E-mail address and real first name. Hope to see you all Soon!


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