Current edition:
Vol.3, No. 12, Dec. 2000

Active Worlds News

All's Well In The AW Universe!
Give The Gift Of Citizenship!
Bot-of-the-Month Club
Tech Support Tip Of the Month
Flagg's Worlds To Watch

Community News

Hot Spots to Visit!
AWEC Calendar
Christmas in the AWUniverse
Holiday Greetings from AWEC
Honoring Alpha Phalpha
Happy New Years!
AWCOMREG Community Articles
Get Your Portrait Done
The London Reunion
Objects d'Active Worlds
Tips & Tricks
Get To Know Your Neighbors


Building Links
Community Links










Recommended Hot Spots

This where you can get tips on places to visit from the "insiders". These correspondents are leaders in their worlds, and who take the time to seek out new, exciting, and different places to visit in their worlds. Don't miss a single destination on this list if you want to know what's cool in the AW Universe!

Announcement: We're looking for a correspondent to represent the community in Yellow each month in the newsletter. If you're interested in applying for the position, please send an email to tellin' us why you love Yellow :)

AlphaWorld World Page

Agent1's AW Recommendation

Tazunu's Castle - 7801S 7967E

Well, it may be old, but... Wow! :)

This is a sort of mansion-ish place built in 1996. It's really big, too. The way the objects look in 3.0 is really cool (EG: The snow1.rwx object looks neat if you look at it from the side. If you go inside and to the left, you'll enter a big glass area; sort of looks like a lounge or BIG living room :)

By the way: My telegrams got wiped out! :O If you've sent in a location to me, but it hasn't been featured in the newsletter, please re-send it. If you haven't sent me a build to check out at all, send me an email. I think I'm going to have to set up something to allow people to submit their locations over the web... That's for another month...

See you all around the Uniserver!


Atlantis World Page

Caring's Atlantis Recommendation

The Atlantis recommendation for this month is Le Grand Palais located at 413.2N 288.3W 0.1a 30 built by smeggo. This is a very large and unique of those complicated ones. Lots of textures tastefully used.


Mars World Page

Canopus' Mars Recommendation

For December there are two Mars Hotspots. Both are located in the great Utopia Basin, a lowland area of Mars created by a primeval asteroid that left a gravity signature, still detectable after millions of years. The first Hotspot is Pilgrim's Place, a huge ranch with its own railway, a toxic waste reprocessor, elevated lander & pad. Pilgrim's Place was built by Space Truckin at 504n 744w 270. The second Hotspot, actually two of them, was built by Trekette, at 490n 488.8w & at 500n 470w. Trekette's luxurious Home has its own reservoir; nearby is another elegantly designed building, her Music Hall.

Both Utopia Hotspots are part of the Galaxias Tour, which leaves from Utopia Station (489n 650w 0.45a), the terminus of the Hecates Railway out of Elysium Spaceport (315n 495w 8a 105). Passengers arriving from Earth at the Orbiting Space Station (0n 953w 30.6a) can take a direct rocket to Elysium.

While you are in the Utopia Railroad Station, be sure to visit the Viking 2 Interplanetary Park, which is visible just south of the Station. The Viking 2 Lander came down at this exact spot in Utopia, & the original Lander is now preserved here under a special Hermetic Dome.


COFMeta World Page
COFMeta's Discussion Group

jupytr's COFMeta Recommendation

The prize winning Jarre City 220.2N 777.8W 0.05a created by Chucks Party




Goober King
UTN Web Site

GooberKing's UTN Recommendation

SW City - AW 2217.4s 3609.8e 90

Got City? If not, there's no better place to get some than SW City! This place is loaded with amenities and one could spend days here and never see all of it. It's divided up into 4 different subcommunities, each with it's own endearing qualities. Not only that, but it's also the new center for UTN's Adventure County! (Maybe they should change the name to "SW County" :D) So get on over to SW City and have yourself an adventure worth remembering!


Web Site

AWCOMREG's Recommendation

Cyberville - COFMeta 56.8n 305.7e

Ever wanted to go somewhere that totally reeked of futuristic realism! Well you've found it! Cyberville, Metatropolis is a city with an immersive atmosphere, and an amazing layout, from it's police station, to the bad side of town, with alleys so dark you expect to be jumped. It has areas that have a machiavellian business feel to them. The city that never sleeps, filled with sounds, that will either freak you out, impress you or both.

Whatever you do... don't go to this place all on your own!!! And if you see Borg... RUN! Ohhh, and we forgot to mention: "Don't climb the structures without a safety net".

AWCOMREG Journalists give this city a rating of: 10/10

AWCOMREG Journalists: Anduin Lothar, Brooke, Lilalpha Phalpha, Nornny, The Avatar


AWTeen's Web Site

AWTeen's Recommendation

For December, hopefully everyone will take notice of the AW Paintball Network's AWTeen playing field at 600s 300e. Originally planned to start on November 25 but postponed due to server crashes and other problems, the network will hold its inaugural match on Saturday, December 9. The bot that is used for the network games was programmed by me throughout the year and was awarded the Cy Award for Technical Innovation on September 30, 2000. The AW Paintball Network held its first match on January 2, 2000 in the world SVillage, and later expanded to include 12 worlds at its peak. However, a lack of interest in May forced it into cancellation. Following the awards ceremony, we received a deluge of comments requesting the return of the network. Recently, FriendPA, the Caretaker of WAR, the famous and the original paintball world, agreed to hold a network match including WAR and AWTeen.

The new field has received rave reviews from many visitors who beta tested it recently, including paintball veterans. Azslande, Kmissile583K, TheCheese, Flare, and Karkisuni Hotith are among those who work to maintain the playing area.

The network bots, which can run in up to thirty worlds, keep statistics such as kills, deaths, kill to death ratios, standings, and more. Though the scores are reset each week with new prizes available, statistics will begin to be kept from week to week that track players' standings from session to session. A special prize will be awarded to our most frequent players. In addition to periodic special prizes, prizes such as T-shirts, Bot/Citizenship extensions, PS rights in prestigious worlds such as WAR, 20,000 banner exposures on AWTeen's website, and more are awarded weekly! Paintball with the AW Paintball Network features grenades and frenzy powerups. Grenades allow a player to cause an explosion that ejects everyone within 30 meters. Frenzy Powerups allow users to score two points in the bot's log for thirty seconds. Other features are currently in testing and will be added in future weeks.

Anyone is welcome to participate in the AW Paintball Network's sessions, which are held from 4PM to 8PM VRT every Saturday, in WAR and in AWTeen at 600s 300e. If you are a world owner interested in adding your world to the network, if you are looking for a list of prizes for next week's session, or if you would like more information on the paintball network's activities, visit our website for details!

M u n k u y
AWHS Web Site

M u n k u y's Historical Recommendation

Site: KingWood's Place
Coords: AW 15.7N 5.8W 0.1a
Started: July 17, 1995

KingWood's Place (or KingWood's Palace as it would be) is one of the earliest buildings in AlphaWorld... landscaping having been started on July 17, 1995, though most of the place itself was built in early August of 1995. KingWood, having been citizen number 28 (now under the name of Rufus, though he is long gone from AW) was also one of the earliest citizens of AlphaWorld too.

There's not really much of interest that one may consider "exciting" about this build, but for the time it was built, I imagine it was rather impressive (notice that the walls actually line up!). :¬)

If you are interested in what this build looked like early on in about August of 1995, there is a pic of it (along with KingWood infront of it) from the first edition of the NWT located @:

If you look closely at this pic and then at the current site, you can also see some of the changes in it from the original (ie. some of the objects have changed over time, there was originally no doorway, as it was added in September of 1995, and there used to be a 3rd tower in the center of the build's front side).

Anyways, besides the basics, there's not much that can be said about this site, except that it's probably one of the nicer historic places in AlphaWorld too go look at... (check out the Queen's Gardens to the NW as well)...

Until next month... :¬)




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