Current edition:
Vol.3, No. 12, Dec. 2000

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Get All The Gossip From The London Reunion

Courtesy of Alphanumeric, curdle and flynn1

AW Meeting...London UK November 18th 2000 (See the pictures too!

Yet again a bunch of ne'er do wells decide to hit the UK's capital city for intelligent conversation over a good old English cup of tea! (yeah right). The weekend began for me taking a 3 hour train ride, standing all the way, to then get lost on the underground (for which i still hold Aiken Drum totally responsible). Eventually, I met up with Milo, Arty & Louise, we then proceeded to Earls court to meet Curdle (supplier of cheese & biccies)..... Knowing that come hell or high water, we must continue our journey through the rain to find a watering hole, this we did without much ado, but before we can quench our thirst, we have another major task awaiting us........the arrival of Taym!! No-one has ever seen this guy....we wait with baited breath for him to arrive at the tube station wearing a denim jacket & a dodgy tank top! (his words not mine). Suddenly Milo thinks he sees him, but thankfully, this Che Guevara on a bad day look-a-like isn't him, *phew*....What then you say?....we answered the call of the pub across the road & had a drink :). Don't worry, Taym isn't still waiting to be picked up, he came a little later looking like a lamb to the slaughter, but soon felt at home with the rest of the clan. So here we are, in a pub in Earls court, with zillions of Australians & guess what? It's a big rugby match between England & Australia (wonders why these things happen to me so much) great atmosphere, very loud, had tinnitus for days after, lol. A little later, Aiken Drum (I'd spent a long time wondering what hat he will be affecting this time)) Sea Swallow (great teamie :) ) &Alphanumeric arrived....The party begins...wooohooo.....had a really good laugh & a few drinks, then on to a place so the boys can play pool *yawn* hehe (only saying that cos i lost every game). At the next destination, Vindicator arrived.......yes, that's right, sarcasm, jokes....gotta love him :). Aiken was exited at his new present from USA re-union & strangely enough, it looked darn good on him, we all enjoyed seeing the signings of our fellow GK's from afar & had a pretty good weekend, even Alphanumeric, who seemed to have a laptop computer stuck to his nose most of the time, lol!

So how can i sum these ppl up?
Aiken (where's my Guinness) Drum.
Arty(lets play killer) o..
Louise(i gotta do my hair) o..
Taym (I'm only staying for a couple of hours)<--whatever, lol..
Sea Swallow(most infectious laugh i ever heard)...
Vindicator(got a good joke for ya) 111...
Curdle (its the colour growing out)
Milo.....what can i say about him?......erm, he's had a haircut! hahaha(bout time too)

Seriously, we had a real good time & i'd like to say its great having Sea & Alpha in the GK's.. & as for Taym, hurry up & get your new PC & sign on the dotted line!

Bye, cya all at the gate,.. flynn 1 (who wants to see my stitches?)



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