GCTV Reborn!

Courtesy of Support AW Organization

A recent partnership between the Support AW Organization and GCTV will provide GCTV with hosting, a domain, and a web site.

The virtual TV station is one of the few remaining, active stations in AW.

Citizen GC will continue to own and operate GCTV indefinitely. The station will continue to produce new shows and acquire dissolved network archives.

For the first time in its 5 years of existence, GCTV now has a web site! You can check us out online at gctvaw.com. On the web site you'll find everything you need to know about GCTV - how to tune in (using our new address!), show information, how to get your own show, and how to contact GCTV.

Update Your Objects!

If you own a picture object with gctv.simplaza.net displaying on it, please update to our new URL: create picture tv.gctvaw.com/ update=10


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