Current edition: Vol.6, No.11, November 2003

Active Worlds News

Happy Anniversary!
World of the Month
Worlds to Watch
Tours Celebrates
AWTrivia Winners
AWUniversity News
Cy Awards Update
Hot Spots to Visit
Meet Your Neighbor
AWEC Calendar


Building Links
Community Links










Cy Awards Update

Courtesy of AlphaBit Phalpha

Dear Activeworlds Community,

I would first like to appologize for the cancellation of the Cy Awards for this year, but IRL and family illnesses, of course prevail.
That said...

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped to see that the Cys last year were a huge success! Great going everyone!

VWTV is running an ongoing contest regarding the Cys at
CTV is running fun Cy commercials at
Both stations will be covering the Cy events, so stay tuned!

And now for the 2004 ceremony!
I know May 2004 is a loooong way away, but with everything we have planned, we will be needing that time to bring you the bestest Cys ever:)

Some of the additions to the 2004 Cys are;

1. The CyUniTy Tourist Awards! (More details to come).
2. IRL Awards Certificates!
3. Past Recipients Ball!
4. The Cy's Stars Walk!
5. A complete new world (and you won't believe your eyes at the final product:)
6. A spectacular special effects show by 3DNetz!
7. A theatre and lobby that will make you feel like royalty!
8. Nominations are returning!
9. A "points" voting system! (points totalled will be supplied on a web page for critiqueing).
10. Possibly brand new avatars added.
And as we think up new stuff you will see additions later:)

Thanks to Tengel, we now have the Cy calendar online! Please visit and follow the link.

May is Cy Month! If you are interested in having an event in your world or AW Prime, please contact us immediately, as space is going fast!

Please remember that the Cy Awards are rated "F" for fun. However we do abide by the Activeworlds Guidelines regarding world ratings. If you are not sure if your world would be eligible, please contact us at

Thank you again for your great support!


AlphaBit Phalpha
Cys are CommunitY:)


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