Current edition: Vol.6, No.11, November 2003

Active Worlds News

Happy Anniversary!
World of the Month
Worlds to Watch
Tours Celebrates
AWTrivia Winners
AWUniversity News
Cy Awards Update
Hot Spots to Visit
Meet Your Neighbor
AWEC Calendar


Building Links
Community Links










AWUniversity is Back!

Courtesy of Elyk

Feeling like your building skills are limited and your builds are boring and lifeless? Just purchased a new world and haven't a clue what to do? Ready to try your hand at object and avatar creation and wishing you had someone to show you how? Then you've come to the right place! The AWUniversity has enlisted the help of talented Active Worlds community members who are ready and waiting to help you take your skills to the next level. Classes are free of charge and are scheduled at times that fit into your schedule. So, what are you waiting for?! Choose from any of these courses:

  • Advanced Building (create name, astart/astop/adone, create picture, create light, etc.)
  • RWX Modeling
  • CT/World Owning Technology
  • Graphic Arts Courses (PSP, Photoshop, HTML, filmstrips)
  • TrueSpace
  • AW & RWX Technology (Bots, Avatars, etc)
  • Community Building Courses

AWUniversity will be still teaching its' courses in the original AWUniv world until construction of the new world is completed. Feel free to sign up for any classes if you would like by contacting and you will be set up with a teacher for that specific course.

If you are still willing to become a teacher for any of these courses, feel free to sign up still. The application can be found at We are always in need of teachers and would like more for our community building courses. (Must be 16 years old to apply)

If you have any questions or comments regarding AWUniversity, you can contact Elyk at


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