Cy Awards UpdateCourtesy of AlphaBit Phalpha Dear Activeworlds Community, There comes a time in most organizations that the originator must take a
bow and pass it along to others to share in the fullfillment that that
organization gives:)
I have enjoyed the Cys and all of your participation ever soooo much! And I am sure I will miss it and all of you, but I will still be around so what am I saying?...lol Anyways:)
1. The reason you are interested.
I am afraid that if there are no interests, The Cys will cease to exist:( Those interested please be forewarned that they require a lot of time! And patience:) The position is strictly volunteer and entails Organizing each years awards, activities throughout the year, Maintaining the web page, etc:) I would like to start interviews asap if possible. If it seems we have a lot of interests, we might take it to a Community vote. Thank you again AW Community for all you have given and give to the CommunitY:) Hugggggs!
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