AWUniversity is Back!Courtesy of Elyk Thanks to the many applicants that applied for jobs, we are proud to say that AWUniversity is back and ready to begin teaching once again with several brand-new courses, including:
AWUniversity will be still teaching its' courses in the original AWUniv world until construction of the new world is completed. Feel free to sign up for any classes if you would like by contacting awu@org.activeworlds.com and you will be set up with a teacher for that specific course. Choose from any of these courses:
If you are still willing to become a teacher for any of these courses, feel free to sign up still. The application can be found at https://www.geocities.com/awelyk/awuapp.html. We are always in need of teachers and would like more for our community building courses. (Must be 16 years old to apply) If you have any questions or comments regarding AWUniversity, you can contact Elyk at kfoerst@sbcglobal.net.
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