Get to Know Your Neighbors!
We think it would be great if everyone got a chance to get to know some of the volunteers in the community, and to find out why they love AW so much. This month we meet GK Cosmo who was recently recognized as September's GK of the Month. Hi everyone, I am honored to be the Gatekeeper of the Month for September 2002. I started the GK program back in June 2001 and have enjoyed it greatly. I first started AW in January 2000 when one of my friends got me into it. It took me a few months to fully learn everything I needed to know about AW, I never really thought about asking the Gatekeepers anything, LOL. I have made a couple towns and natural settings in AW over the years. In 2001 I decided to apply to be a Gatekeeper after watching them meet so many people and having fun helping others learn about the program. I already had a couple friends as GKs before I applied. So I guess one of the main reasons I applied is to enter a group of great people that I can put some of my extra time to. The biggest thing I like about the GK program is the happiness it gives me knowing that I have started people out on a road to something they will love for a long time. AW has been a great outlet for the artistry in everyone especially since they can show others their creations. For me it has been endless fun over the years. I started the world called Space almost a year ago and have enjoyed that ever since. The GK program is always looking for new GKs. If you are 18 or over, a citizen, and want to help for 2 hours a day for 2 days a week, I greatly recommend joining. Thank you again my fellow GKs for giving me the GK of the Month Award.
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