Current edition:
Vol.4, No.6, June 2001

Active Worlds News

AW Reunion 2001
Suggestion Box
Hot Spots to Visit!
Flagg's Worlds To Watch
AWEC Calendar
Cy Awards
Survivor Challenge III
The Active Worlds Olympics
Festival 2001
Other Reunions
GK of the Month
Report Cards


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Meet Lady Teal - GK Of The Month

I joined AW almost 2 yrs ago and the whole reasoning behind it was to be more involved with my husband who is a Team Leader in the GK organization. I found myself sitting in gate and greeting people and helping when I could, until one day I decided I wanted to join the GK's myself.

I really enjoy the feeling that I would get when a tourist would come to me and say that I helped them to understand the program and then soon I would see them as a citizen. That feeling is wonderful; almost as wonderful as the feeling I have now being nominated for GK of the month.

There are so many competent gatekeepers and I am truly honored to have been picked to join the ranks of GK of the month.

Thank you!
Lady Teal

If there's a volunteer you'd like to see us highlight, let us know!



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