Current edition:
Vol.4, No. 5, May 2001

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Cy Awards

Courtesy of AlphaBit Phalpha

The nominations for the August 18th Cy Awards will be opening Saturday May 5th at 9pm vrt. Nominations can be submitted at at that time. Please follow the links to the voting page. Nominations will close Saturday May 12th at 9pm vrt. Please make sure you don't miss the deadline.

On Saturday May 26th and Sunday May 27th we will be hosting a Cy Nominees Tour in which we would like to invite you see all the submissions before casting your votes. The tours will begin noon vrt both days and we will meet at noon vrt in the Cy Awards world. There will also be a schedule posted at for you to tour at your leisure:)

Voting will be open Saturday June 2nd at 9pm vrt once again at the Cy home page, and will close Saturday June 9th at 9pm vrt.

This round we are introducing The Cy Nominees Ball in which everyone is invited to, to mingle with this rounds Nominees:) The Ball is scheduled for Saturday August 11th at 7pm vrt in The Cy Awards world Ballroom. Dress is formal and refreshments will be served:) Our Preshow Hosts (Poseidon and Xelnaga), will be interveiwing at the Nominees Ball and During the Cy Ceremony.

The Ceremony will commence Saturday August 18th at 7pm vrt. Followed by The Cy Reception.We have scheduled 1 or maybe 2 Surprise Guest Speakers who will speak prior to the Ceremony:)

If you wish to host a sign in your world announcing The Cy Awards, please contact Wings0nite for the information.

Please visit our Past Recipients and Lifetime Achievements Awards links also. And please visit the Cy Committee page for a listing of folks on the Cy team who generously donate their time to bring you The Cy Awards:)

Good luck to Everyone! Let the Round begin!!!!!!!!

Thank you all for your great support of your Cy Awards!:)

Cy is Community!......begins with a "C" and ends with a "Y" just like CommunitY:)

Cya at the Cys!:)
AlphaBit Phalpha
The Cy Awards Committee



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