Lensman is a retired Peacekeeper and creator of the Teleport Maze. He won a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2006 CY Awards.
It’s in America. It’s huge. It’s scary. It’s King Kong Island! This place comes complete with a jungle, native village (with sacrificial wall option installed) a few dinosaurs and the king. Frankly, I looked everywhere for the king but just like Elvis he is hard to find. He will be a bit busy with flying whatever’s and like his movie counter part he is a bit 2 dimensional. This is station 444 and an interesting diversion.
Location: America 281S 20W
Station 424 is in a Hole. Well, actually the world is called “Hole” and it belongs to Mauz. Has anyone in the Active Worlds Universe not heard of Mauz? Anyway, it sports a full scale working star gate. There is some nice work to study if you are building a town or city. However, the visit is well worth it because you will discovery on arrival tons of AW information offered by the web pages Mauz created. You stand to learn much from these.
Location: Hole 6N 1W
Announcement: The Teleport Maze has expanded to 448 stations and the goal is 500 stations. If you would like your very own station (enhanced with 4.1) telegram Lensman or contact Lensman64@aol.com. The land requirement is a minimum of 3X3 walk objects or Landa objects (which is better) and if you want the station to blend with your build 5X5 is best.