Current edition: Vol.6, No.3, March 2003

Active Worlds News

Truespace4 Special!
Worlds to Watch
We Want You!
Bot of the Month
Artist's Tip
Hot Spots to Visit
Volunteer Highlight
Bit's Who's Who
Reunion 2003
AWEC Calendar


Building Links
Community Links










Recommended Hot Spots

This is where you can get tips on places to visit from the "insiders". These correspondents are leaders in their worlds, who take the time to seek out new, exciting, and different places to visit in their worlds. Don't miss a single destination on this list if you want to know what's cool in the AW Universe!

Goober King
UTN Web Site

Goober King's UTN Recommendation

Mountain Resorts - AW 3896N 27673E 180

Looking for a break from the hustle and bustle of city life? Then Mountain Resorts is the town for you. As the name implies, this town is nestled in the AW mountains and covers a wide area, complete with bubbling rivers, craggy hillsides, and beautiful mountain lakes. There's also a cave system for the spelunker in you, or you can simply wander the mountain forest paths. And, of course, you can even add your own contribution to this mountain paradise (contact LizLiz to get a spot). Check it out today!


AWHS Web Site

Chloe's Historical Recommendation

Flagg: Retired from aw February 6, 2003. We will miss you!!

We all enjoyed his featured sites "Flagg's Worlds To Watch" in the AW newsletter. One of his many achievements was winning the Cy Award for Community Groups/Activities and Events: AWBingo - Flagg, which he shared with King Tex in December 2002. He also is a great mediator and ardent supporter of community events like the Annual Avatars events and even The NG Survivor Games.

A really nice person whom I had the pleasure to meet at the 2000 AW Reunion.

Please go and see his first build in AW Prime 3103.5N 0.5W

Thank you for all your time, kindness & affection you hold for us & AW!!!


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