Current edition: Vol.6, No.3, March 2003

Active Worlds News

Truespace4 Special!
Worlds to Watch
We Want You!
Bot of the Month
Artist's Tip
Hot Spots to Visit
Volunteer Highlight
Bit's Who's Who
Reunion 2003
AWEC Calendar


Building Links
Community Links











Courtesy of AWEC

AWEC Pot of Gold Hunt

It is a known fact that the Wee Folk are rather stingy with their gold. In fact a Leprechaun will go to great lengths to hide his Pot of Gold from all other living creatures. Do you think you can find the hidden gold? Join us for AWEC's first Saint Patrick's Day Pot of Gold Hunt in AWECHunt world. Take on the avatars of one of the wee-folk to get into the smaller, harder to reach areas. The hunt will begin at 12:01am VRT on Saturday, March 15th and run through 5pm VRT on Sunday, March 16th. The world will be opened up on the day of the hunt.

Prize List:

  • First Prize: P10/5 World (without hosting)
  • Second Prize: 1 Month Citizen Extension
  • Third Prize: A Email Address

Come see if you have the luck of the Irish! And remember, wear something green!

AWEC Opportunities

The people at AWEC want to bring you many fun events in which to participate. If you have any events you would like us to sponsor, please let us know. Just check out our Events Registration site! Make sure to get your events registered with us in order to be eligible to participate in the AWEC Awards, which will be held in January. The award will be given to the Best Event of the Year, which your fellow Activeworlds citizens will vote on!

If you would like to be part of the AWEC team and help provide fun and entertainment for the Activeworlds community, please let us know! Just fill out an application online at our AWEC Application site. A representative from AWEC will contact you for an interview.

In addition to our online sites, AWEC is happy to offer MONTHLY PRIZES! By participating in AWEC events you will be eligible to win a one month citizenship extension, email addresses and a P-10/5 world without hosting. So keep an eye on the AWEC News, where we will announce which events will have what prizes.

AWEC Art Award

The AWEC Art Contest is over, and it has been exciting to see how many artists we have in AW that have participated. It was amazing to see all the beautiful art that was entered, although it made it very difficult to find a winner, as all the artists have their own unique and appealing style. As a result, we decided to look for the story within the picture.

Finally, a decision was made, and the winner is flynn 1, as she managed to paint a picture that shows peace and harmony, a picture that can be looked at again and again. Her picture is called "Oast House" and can be seen along with the works from the other artists in AWEC Art Gallery in AWCC, coordinates: 37.88N 20.29E 0.00a 359 from 26th February onwards.

Don't forget the BluPearl's Saint Patrick's Day party this month as well as Bingo and other events listed on the AWEC Calendar.

- Meranna AWEC Webmaster / Newsletter Director, and the Team at AWEC


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