Current edition: Vol.5, No.2, February 2002

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AWTeen Building Competition Results

Courtesy of Gandalf

AWTeen GZ at Sunrise

During the beginning of December 2001, an idea popped into the heads of a few members of The Core in AWTeen to hold a Building Contest, and so, we did. We first needed to find a venue. Some believed it work best if lots were built, but, suddenly, it struck me to hold it in the most obvious and popular place in AWTeen. The new Capital City. Now, we were well and truly sorted. Brant had arranged for prizes for the winners, and XelNaga had agreed to allow us to use the city.

The response to the competition was immense. Fantastic fountains, weird waterfalls and perplexing pyramids were appearing all over the place. This was truly a labour of love for the AWTeen citizens.

The competition was set to end on the 31st of December, and so the Core arranged for two judges to view and rate the builds. We chose SW Chris of SW City, and Gamer, AWTeen’s Building Committee Leader. They struggled long and hard marking everything single build in Capital City, but finally came up with the results. It was then down to me to pick the final winner. I’m not building, so I arranged for an old friend and Universe renowned builder, Wizard Myrddin.

I would like to thank everyone for their hard work in this project, and I look forward to some more exciting new events in AWTeen.

Finally, the Winner and Runner-ups :

1st Sophie. with 72 points

Sophie's Build

Runner up AWTA with 65 points

Runner up P3DC with 65 points

Runner up Lord Perception with 63 points


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