Current edition: Vol.7, No.10, October 2004

Active Worlds News

Spooky Spots to Visit
World of the Month
Glance at AW History
Worlds to Watch
Mystery Location
AWUniversity News
Meet Your Neighbor
Artist Tip
Terraform Services
Reunion 2005
Cy Awards News
AWEC Calendar


Building Links
Community Links










Boston Reunion Committee 2005

Courtesy of Xyzzz

Be a part of Activeworlds history! Next year will be the Tenth Anniversary of Activeworlds. To celebrate this historic event we are planning a gala AW Reunion in AW’s home area of Boston, MA. To make this reunion a very special event planning is starting early and you are invited to join the Reunion Committee that has been formed to plan and organize this event. For more information on joining the Reunion Committee visit:

Reunion Logo Contest

As part of the preparation for AW Reunion 2005 a contest is being held for the design of the best reunion logo. The contest winner will receive a one year AW citizenship and a copy of Cool3D software. All AW citizens and tourists are eligible to participate. For contest rules and detailed information visit:

Note: Users attending this event do so at their own risk. Activeworlds Inc. is not sponsoring nor is directly related to this event.


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