Current edition: Vol.7, No.8, August 2004

Active Worlds News

Old Timer's Day
World of the Month
Glance at AW History
Worlds to Watch
Mystery Location
AWUniversity News
Meet Your Neighbor
AWEC Calendar


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Attend Old Timer's Day in AWCC World - Saturday August 27th!

Courtesy of OneSummer

This is your chance to meet some of the "older" citizens of Activeworlds. Come chat about the past and how things were when they first joined Activeworlds! Have fun with this, the biggest chat session of the year!

AWCC World is tourist enabled so please invite anyone that might be interested in learning about the history of Activeworlds .. AWHS is restoring it's area of AWCC World so lots to see.

If you know of any former citizens that may not still be members of Activeworlds, but were around when it first opened, please let them know about this event. AWHS is very proud to bring you "Old Timer Day" in AWCC world.

It will be exciting and a surprise to see who has the oldest citizen number for 2004....A 1 month citizenship extension will be awarded to the citizen with the oldest citizen number!


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