Current edition: Vol.7, No.2, February 2004

Active Worlds News

3.5 Sneak Peek
World of the Month
Happy Anniversary!
Worlds to Watch
Glance at AW History
AWTrivia Update
AWUniversity News
Cy Awards Update
AWNewbie News
Meet Your Neighbor
CitBingo Announces
AWRadio on Air
Hot Spots to Visit
AWEC Calendar


Building Links
Community Links










Active Worlds Radio

Courtesy of SiLverFerret

Active Worlds Radio is here for the citizens and visitors of AW. Wherever you are in the universe, just tune in to feel a part of a whole community! Our aim is to bring the whole community together - no matter where you are!

Got a party planned? No problem! Contact one of our Dj's and we will try and host AWRadio in your world, attracting lots of visitors for you!

Got an event planned? Let us know in AWRadio and we will advertise it for you!

Do you have that special someone you would like to dedicate a song to? Well send us a gram!

We take requests and if we have the song we will gladly air it for you, if we haven't, we will do our best to get it. Our friendly D.J's are SilverFerret, Veger, RaShaL, Jernau and Archergirl RyAr who are all dedicated to entertaining you - the users of Active Worlds!

So tune in to and get ROCKING! :)

Best Regards,
SiLverFerret aka PC hard
Founder of AWRadio!

Please note: This is an unofficial user site not affiliated with Activeworlds, Inc.


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