Current edition: Vol.7, No.2, February 2004

Active Worlds News

3.5 Sneak Peek
World of the Month
Happy Anniversary!
Worlds to Watch
Glance at AW History
AWTrivia Update
AWUniversity News
Cy Awards Update
AWNewbie News
Meet Your Neighbor
CitBingo Announces
AWRadio on Air
Hot Spots to Visit
AWEC Calendar


Building Links
Community Links










This Month in Active Worlds History

Courtesy of OneSummer

January/February 1999

A lot was going on in January/February 1999 in Activeworlds. The Active Worlds Community Co-operative (AWCC) is a consortium of a variety of Active Worlds community groups and projects. Four of the AWCC's organizations - AWEC, AWHS, AWCommunity Register, and the Cy Awards have joined together to design a world that will house their information and host their respective community events. The first major event to be held in the world, AWCC.

There was a building contest going on in the world Pagan and the Cy Awards were on their way to showing our community members the recognition they deserve for taking the extra step to enhance our virtual environment. The awards cover several categories including technical innovations, artistic endeavors, and social/culture activities.

AWTeen Report - Pokemon In AW The world is being taken over by the new hit game, Pokemon. Ask any child what a Pokemon is and they'll tell you without hesitation. Many worlds or towns in AW were devoted to these little creatures.

Peacekeeper's Caution - We'd like to urge everyone in the community to use caution in passing out your personal information, email address or ICQ number to *just anyone*. Also, please show caution and courtesy when exchanging executable files, as there are some rather unpleasant viruses available at the moment, namely Netbus and Back Orifice. If you think you have been the victim of a viral infection, please contact the Peacekeepers for assistance and more information.

Other memorable events that occured in AW history this month:

February 8, 1996 - Contact Consortium and 24 Hours in CyberSpace

February 27, 1997 - CoF purchased AW from Worlds, Inc. and rehired the staff that had been laid off in January.

Reporting This Month In History


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