AW Tech Support's Tip of the MonthHow can I get my world added to the SEARCH tab? The SEARCH tab is a wonderful tool to draw attention and traffic to your world. It's also a great way to locate worlds of particular interest. In order to list your world under a particular category on the SEARCH tab, you just need to follow these simple steps:
3D Art 3D Games 3D Homepages Building Worlds Chat Cities & Cultures Communities Educational Galleries Resources & Tools Themes So, for example, to be listed in the Business section of the 3D Homepages, you would type the following: 3D Homepages:Business; To simply be listed under the 3D Homepages section you would type: 3D Homepages; It is important to note that the format and category names must be exact. Extra spaces, misplacement of a colon or semi-colon, misspelling, or incorrect character case will result in the world only being listed in the hidden search category. At this time, each world may only be listed once under one category. If you have additional questions, or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our Support Department by email: support@activeworlds.com.
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