Current edition: Vol.4, No.10, October 2001

Active Worlds News

9.11.01 Remembered 3.2 Launched
3D Homepages
New Website
Tech Support Tip
Bot of the Month
Worlds to Watch
Hot Spots to Visit
AWEC Calendar
Intersculpt 2001
KriegMar Gallery


Building Links
Community Links










New This Month -
3D Homepages!

Come check out Activeworlds' new product offerings and be one of the first to try out 3D Homepages. Through a seamless and extremely simple interface, the most novice computer user can create their own custom 3D world in minutes. You can easily upload personal pictures, sounds or music, and change your world to your liking by letting your imagination go wild!

Users can create their own personal 3D Homepage for a 30 day free trial. You will be amazed at how quickly and easily your 3D Homepage develops. Within just a few minutes, you will not only have created your own personal 3D Homepage but you will find yourself standing right in the middle of it, showing it off to all your friends.

3D Homepages can be found at

New themes will be added regularly, and citizens will even be able to contribute their own theme for inclusion in the themes library. Stay tuned for more information on how you can contribute your theme to the 3D Homepage site.

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