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What it takes to be a Peacekeeper

What does it take to be a Peacekeeper?

AW 11986S 12057W

Up front it is never about the power to eject people. Ejecting violators of AW guidelines is a necessary part of the job but it is not THE job. The job is about volunteering and serving the AW community citizen and tourist alike on equal terms.  Service is first and enforcement is second. A PK removes offensive objects and cleans up vandalism. A PK uses conflict resolution skills to settle disputes over land and disagreements in general. The requirement after training is two hours a week on patrol in uniform but even when not in uniform a PK stands ready to take on the powers to help others. A PK is ready to assist a tourist or citizen, old or new, anytime and anywhere.

The Peacekeepers are ten years old and the longest standing organization of its type in the Metaverse. The PK Academy is the foundation of that success. An applicant gets excellent training in conflict resolution and the details of the workings of the AW browser, vandalism detection and eradication, PK reporting procedures, and some rather useful bots. Most of the training at the Academy is aimed at providing the tools the PK needs to help others. Performance during training is important but equally important are the traits of character revealed while in the Academy. The important traits are fair play, common sense, and commitment. Character traits are a key component in a successful PK and can not be trained but you can see them.

I have been a PK for nine years and I can tell you that the feeling of personal satisfaction of helping another is hard to match in the human experience. Moreover, upon graduation, a PK joins a long line of exceptional citizens in AW. As a PK you will find a group of people who truly care about you and friendships that will continue long after you lay down the badge. It can become a magnificent obsession.

I encourage anyone who wants to be a part of something larger than the usual AW experience to apply to be a Peacekeeper. Here's the application:

If being a PK is not for you, that's OK, but please go out and drag someone new into Active Worlds.

Lensman aka PK64

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