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Peacekeeper Tips

Peacekeeper Tips Over the past couple of months Peacekeepers noticed significantly higher incidences of harassment generated in the more popular public worlds. Inconsideration toward others should never appear in our community as the vast majority of us care deeply about the thousands of hours we put into building and maintaining friendly relationships.

Disruption & Distress

Unfortunately, there are a few users both tourists and citizens who seek to disrupt and cause distress. I most certainly will not name names but those who participate in these activities know who they are. I want to point out that it is not the function of the Peacekeepers to act as parents. We simply enforce the guidelines that every user agrees to when they sign on. When someone goes well out of their way to violate the guidelines, showing no remorse and, in fact, taking great pleasure in violating them, the Peacekeepers have no recourse but to objectively and without malice eject them.

Several of these unhappy users seem to take pride in being ejected never realizing that the Peacekeepers, who do deeply care about our universe, have to deal with doing something they really would rather not do. Believe it or not, Peacekeepers do not hold a grudge and any troubling user who crosses the line back into the light will be welcomed as friends. There have been several Peacekeepers, and really good ones, who were once very problematic.

Peacekeepers do not understand why someone would seek to make others unhappy for pleasure. If you must engage in harassment take it to Wild AW and don't do it on the patrolled worlds. There are so many other places where dysfunctional behavior is ignored that it makes no sense to commit these acts where they are not welcome.

Irresponsible behavior just for the sake of being mean drives off new arrivals in Active Worlds. Clearly, driving off new users does not help the financial stability Active Worlds requires to stay in business. It could conceivably shut down the universe where all we play. I do not understand how that could be a good thing for anybody and that logic escapes these people.

When Peacekeepers Don't Care

Peacekeepers cannot be everywhere at once so we encourage users who encounter this kind of dysfunctional behavior to either mute the person doing it or teleport elsewhere and turning off the join function as well is hiding your location. If these people encounter a social vacuum everywhere they seek to cause trouble they will not have an audience and it will defeat the very reason they do it. In closing, Peacekeepers really do not care if a person stands in the middle of a deserted world that is not patrolled spewing whatever.

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