Want to know what's going on in the AW Universe for the month of August? You'll find out what, when, and where on the calendar! Provided by the Active Worlds Events Committee.
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A partir du vendredi 2 avril il y aura une activité tous les premiers vendredi du mois sur le monde français. Join fellow citizens for a game of trivia and other activities, the first Friday of each month in français world.
Spread the word! If you get Active Worlds mentioned in a publication, you may be eligible for a reward! See your options on the AW Forums.
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About the August Header Art
Ever wonder how clouds are formed? In the fairytale world of Elvandor, science has little to do with it. Head to the ski hill and look up; a mystical delight awaits you.
If you would like to write an article for the newsletter or have a project you would like to share with the community through this newsletter, please contact us (newsletter@activeworlds.com) to find out more about participating.