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Meet Our Citizens

We get to know Highwayman in this month's edition.

Kiwi interviews sweetsKiwi: Hiya Highwayman. ;-)

Thanks so much for agreeing to talk to us.

Highwayman: Honored to be here.

Kiwi: What part of the world are you in?

Highwayman: I'm located in sunny Florida.

Kiwi: What brought you to Active Worlds?

Highwayman: I was a Juno client, when they started Junodome I hopped on board.

Kiwi: Have you been a citizen long?

Highwayman: I became a citizen of Active Worlds in 2001, when Juno faded away.

Kiwi: Is Active Worlds your first virtual world experience?

Highwayman: Let me check my notes... lol, yep says here it was... hehe.

Kiwi: lol.

Kiwi: What keeps you in AW?

Highwayman: Oh let see now, how long is this interview... lol. Let's see I'd say it's a combination of things to see and do, but I think it's the people here who keep me coming back.

Kiwi: Can you tell us a little about what you do in AW?

Highwayman: I like to chat, wander through the worlds meet people I have never met or seen in ages.

Kiwi: What keeps you wanting to stay in Active Worlds?

Highwayman: I can sum that up in one word... DANCING... hehe

Kiwi: If you were asked to promote something about Active Worlds, what would you choose to promote?

Highwayman: EVERYTHING, how can you not want to be here? So much to see and do it's awesome.

Kiwi: You like to take videos and pics in AW. Is this something you do in real life for work?

Highwayman: Oh no, I don't even own a Oh yes I love taking pictures and making the videos. It's history of the many good times here, and share with everyone.

Kiwi: What's your favorite thing to do in AW?

Highwayman: As I stated before I love to dance, but lately I have been making videos of all types of parties, special occasions, for everyone to share in the pleasures AW has to offer.

Kiwi: Are you working on anything special at the moment?

Highwayman: I am working on Keith B's birthday video at the moment.

Kiwi: What advice would you give a new citizen about AW?

Highwayman: Come on in kick back and have the best time you can possibly have.
Always something happening here.

Kiwi: Are you happy with the CAVs? I'm still waiting for my Cowgirl Hat and belts lol.

Highwayman: Oh yes, it's a far cry better then the original avatars. It took me some time to get it right, but I think I have the hang of it... lol. You may get your wish :).

Kiwi: Do you have a favorite world?

Highwayman: Oh yes two actually, I like AWMIX01, but I spend most of my time in AWMIX07.

Kiwi: If I asked you to describe yourself to me, what would you say?

Highwayman: I'm a pretty outgoing guy, who likes to have a good time. Can be stubborn at times but over all I think I'm a cool and collected kind of guy.

Kiwi: Anything you would like to add here?

Highwayman: Yes I'd like to thank everyone who has made my stay here in ACTIVE WORLDS an awesome experience. You all are AWESOME :).

Kiwi: Always nice to catch up with you :) Take care and have a great day.

Highwayman: Thank you Kiwi, it's always a pleasure running into you. Don't ever change :).

Kiwi: Thank you for letting us get to know you better Highwayman.

Learn more about your community in future Meet Our Citizens articles.

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