Current edition:
Vol.3, No.7, July 2000

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Tech Support Tip Of the Month
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AW Tech Support Tip Of The Month

Talk to me! or Can I use video conferencing or voice chat within AW?

You can use most types of network conference software along side of AW. Most times you can initiate the call from within the AW browser by using a web link on an object. For example to start a NetphoneTM call to Janet Smith from a telephone at your desk in your AW virtual office when you click on it you would put the following command in the "action" field of the object properties dialog box. activate url 784990222&orig=infospace&ext=x.n2p

Or to make an object so when you click on it you call Danny Falkov at Cornell in Netmeeting you can use the following command activate url

Another method that has become very popular among world owners is HearMeTM VoiceCREATORTM Basic

If you set this up on the default home page of your world it will allow all users in your world to chat via voice.

Note: Sending voice and video data over the internet will use additional bandwidth and resources on your computer and may give slower performance within AW.

And that Calpantera's tech tip of the month.



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