The Rebirth of AWTours: A World Beyond Words
Imagine a world full of adventurous places to visit, where everything is interactive and where the beauty of the world captivates and titillates the
senses. Imagine being able to traverse time and space in the blink of an eye, and then imagine a world where anything's possible.
AWTours is a world dedicated to the best of Active Worlds. Besides being the home of the Active Worlds tour guides, the purpose of AWTours has expanded to become a major resource center. Many fascinating worlds and builds are featured here, and AWTours also houses several "stores" full of information, including free resources, free CAV's, and Active Worlds community centers.
AWTours is also a great resource for new visitors. The landing area for AWTours is full of informative displays to assist with teaching new people all about the software.
One of the most popular aspects of AWTours is the wealth of interactivity the world offers. A lot of time has gone into making AWTours the best and most interactive that it can be. There are physics-based games and rides for people to enjoy, movers to ride, benches to sit on, beach balls to play with, and a thousand other things to do.
Several community areas have been set aside in AWTours. The main concourse features a large amphitheater for meetings, and no world is complete without a few party areas.
Still, the focus of AWTours is to show off some of the best destination spots in the universe. All around the landing zone and main concourse are numerous teleports to some of the best creations that Active Worlds has to offer.
Even though AWTours is still in the process of being revised, we enthusiastically invite you to come and see what's going on. There's something for everyone in the new and updated AWTours!