Current edition: Vol.8, No.5, May 2005

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World of the Month
AWEC Movie Contest
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AWEC Movie Contest

Courtesy of AWEC

The goal is to make use of Activeworlds new media streaming feature, with creating a short movie clip up to max. 5 minutes length that shows the spirit of Activeworlds VR environment and reflects how it evolved through 10 years of history. It can be made of movie grabs showing content in AW, self painted pictures, 3D rendering work or even hand sketched cartoon style. The limit is only your imagination. More technical information about the desired output format and hints and tips on what software to use may be found at

Productions should later be sent to the following email with a follow up telegram to confirm entry to OneSummer.

Movies get presented and rewarded on a special event during Activeworlds 10 years festivities.

AWEC Opportunities

If you would like to be part of the AWEC team and help provide fun and entertainment for the Active Worlds Community, please let us know! Just fill out an application online at our AWEC Application site. A representative from AWEC will contact you for an interview.



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