Current edition: Vol.7, No.5, May 2004

Active Worlds News

3.5 Released
Design Contests
World of the Month
Glance at AW History
Worlds to Watch
Mystery Location
AWUniversity News
Meet Your Neighbor
Nevada Reunion
AWTeen Adventure
Cy Awards
AWEC Calendar


Building Links
Community Links










This Month in Active Worlds History

Courtesy of OneSummer

May 1999

Peace World Galaxy Open was pleased to announce that in an effort to help students of all ages throughout the world promote peace and resolve conflicts, we have dedicated a new Universe, "Peace World". Students may join this new community. Peace World will serve as a leading forum for you to discuss frustrations in a non-judgmental, non- violent environment.

Historical Society Restoration Update

The AWHS Core Group was proud to have been given the task of beautifying and restoring the area of AW GZ. The also gave a big thanks to HamFon for making a complete replica of AW GZ which is currently being housed in the World: AWGZ

It's Time For The Cy Awards!

Cy Awards were held Saturday June 5th, 1999 at 9 PM VRT in AWCC World. Nominations (via VoteBot) began Sunday May 2nd, 1999 in AWCC. The nominations would close on Thursday May 13th, 1999 at 9PM VRT,and the voting for those nominated would open on Saturday May 15th, 1999 9PM VRT. Nominations was then be closed on Saturday May 22nd, 1999 9PM VRT. This was the first time they had nominations followed with voting for those nominated.

Reporting This Month In History


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