Hi Peli :-)
Kiwi: Thanks so much for agreeing to talk to us. I feel with you I should just hold a Mic and let you just tell us stuff lol. You have been in Active Worlds a long time right Peli?
Pelican: I started in 1999 as a tourist but did not have the computer to handle 3D graphics so I left. Somehow, in 2004 I found myself back in Active Worlds, now equipped with better equipment.
Kiwi: What brought you to Active Worlds?
Pelican: I felt 3D technology was the next step for the Internet. 3D worlds had been in the news several times at that point.
Kiwi: How many virtual worlds have you been in?
Pelican: Oh, too many to list across several universes.
Kiwi: How many worlds do you have in AW?
Pelican: I only consider having one for myself. Three other worlds I administer or where I orchestrate projects are really for the community to use.
Kiwi: For any new citizens that dont know you, can you tell us a little about what you do in AW?
Pelican: I create 3D models for use in the Active Worlds platform. If you own a world, you've probably stopped into Pelican world at one time or another to purchase the higher quality 3D models. Serious world owners know that the models available at some free sites are usually of lesser quality. Those models cause worlds to feel slow as if you're moving through molasses. Higher quality models dont cause these issues. Only a small handful of us modelers (2 or 3) are aware of what's required to make a higher quality model. I also am a part of a group whereby I can offer world and OP hosting as well as bot hosting and scripting.
Kiwi: Can you give us some links for your models Peli?
Pelican: Most of my models can be found at www.pelican3d.com although there's always something new appearing in Pelican world.
Kiwi: Thank you. What keeps you in Active Worlds?
Pelican: I would never leave citizens without a quality modeler for their worlds.
Kiwi: Where do you think Active Worlds is heading for the future?
Pelican: I believe the potential of Active Worlds is still great. AW Inc. attempts promotions as does the AW community. But we still have a few ducks to align in a row.
Kiwi: Any ideas on how to get more citizens here?
Pelican: I see it's going to take a dovetailing of both the community and AW, Inc to promote Active Worlds. A lot of citizens need to have morale raised before they can shed their negativity. That's explicitly a responsibility of AW, Inc., not the community. We've suffered many setbacks with our software. Our new engine is promising for the future but as of now... not much has really changed. Shiny matfx and movers that we control, like a little kid controls a wagon, wont keep people happy for long. The only item that has moved forward is the CAV system. I understand clothing being sold in other universes is a big success... If this is also AWI's intention, I hope they continue to focus on other aspects of the software too.
I see many web sites, from about ten years ago, advertising Active Worlds yet I see very few newer websites. I've never met anyone in Real Life that knew what AW was. That means there is a HUGE untapped market out there. Facebook and Twitter are amazing promotion tools but, they are useless as that type of tool for you or I. If I mention posting in FB's AW page, none of my non-AW friends are going to ask me about it and the few hundred friends I have listed are all that will hear about my posting, nobody else. A special account has to be created that automatically accepts EVERY new user that joins as a 'friend' no matter what. Then once a day, invite them to "play Active Worlds" with a new transitional web site for them to slip into tourism here. (Our website is very informative but too busy for a newbie. K.I.S.S. An app should load the browser in the background, and a prospective user should be propelled inside AW. Maybe a limited usage browser (for download ease), but still an experience. Upgrade them for free to a standard browser and dangle the carrot for the citizenship) "It's only $6.95! You paid more for lunch, we'll feed you 3D for life!"
The community should take some time to promote AW outside. While anyone can yell "Active Worlds"! How many of us could sell people on their own world? I'll make an example but this applies to anyone's world: "Come experience the quaint ambience of San Francisco in 3D. Ride the trolleys to the wharf, partake in west coast cuisine, walk through the 3D galleries and malls or bask in the Pacific sunlight on our beaches. All from the comfort of your living room." <CLICK> The prospective user clicks the ad/banner and is to a webpage that states "download our special browser here. Better yet would be to have it auto downloaded and open right inside THAT specific world (sfgate). Every one of us could promote Active Worlds by simply promoting our OWN worlds! Imagine...YOU can be in control! If we're friendly to the new visitor, maybe we can get them to visit again. Now AW Inc has a more qualified customer to try and upgrade! Everyone wins!
Kiwi: What is your favourite thing to do in AW?
Pelican: Besides being interviewed by you Kiwi? I think it's all about creating. Models, textures, projects, ideas and friends (not necessarily in that order).
Kiwi: Any projects on at the moment?
Pelican: That's a surprise :)
Kiwi: What do you think of the CAV system?
Pelican: I like it. That's all I feel about it though. I've never been one to play with dolls.
I won't be one to buy new clothes all of the time.
Kiwi: If I asked you to describe yourself, what would you say?
Pelican: I wonder that myself. :P
Kiwi: Hahaahaha. Anything else you would like to say Peli?
Pelican: Thanks for letting me speak on AW.
Kiwi: Your very welcome ;-) Take care and thank you for letting us get to know you better. Always nice to catch up with you :) Have an awesome day.
Meet Our Citizens is looking for an interviewer! Do you like to meet and chat with new people? Have a lot of connections in the community? E-mail us at newsletter@activeworlds.com to apply!